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Staying Positive and Productive While on Lockdown

We are currently experiencing unprecedented levels of disruption to our daily lives, with lots of us either having to be quarantined or self-isolate, work from home, home school our kids for this first time and a steady barrage of disheartening news, this is a lot for most of us to cope and deal with both mentally and physically.

Although we are being asked to remain isolated to curb the spread of coronavirus we must also remember that we are all in this together and collectively we will overcome it. The only thing we can do now is to focus on the things we can control, so in this vein, there are a few things to focus on.


Mental and physical health

It is important to continue taking care of your mental and physical health. The shutdown is frustrating but this could also be an opportunity to develop yourself or an idea you have been putting on the back-burner.

This is a good time to read a book, take an online course and start a new home workout regimen. Platforms like have lots of courses that you can explore for new careers and hobbies. Fitness professionals are also developing home online exercises that you can follow along at home with your family. Physical activity of around 30 minutes daily will help keep you healthy, this could be going outside for walks, run, a ride while keeping a safe distance from others. You can also dance to music, walk up and down the stairs.

If you are working from home, make sure you do not sit in the same position for long periods. Get up and take three minutes breaks every 30 minutes.


Daily routine and schedule

Having a daily routine and schedule is a good way to maintain some semblance of normalcy throughout your day. If you are working from home and have kids, then having set “office” hours might be a great idea. The office hours could coincide with the time your kids are colouring, working on a puzzle or watching a movie next door.

It is important not to overpack your schedule, just choose a few things that will have the most overall impact. In our Inspire Now Journal, we recommend you have the one task that you must complete before others and then your top three tasks for the day.

This approach is even more important now because it helps with the flexibility to include family time and also time for yourself. It helps if you have a system of writing down and tracking your progress and habits each day. You can download the FREE preview copy of the Inspire Now Journal for this purpose.


Focus on what you can control

Some things are outside our control during this time and if you are someone who likes to be in control of everything this will be an exceptionally challenging time. The best thing to do is to focus on the things you have control over, pay attention to and implement the advice given by the government and medical experts.


Plan for Interruptions

If you are working from home and especially if you have kids, include interruptions in your plan for each day, for example, if you have to make phone calls as part of your work, you could plan them to take place when your kids are being entertained or having a nap. In your daily planning, you can also schedule entertainment/playtime and set aside cool or even educational toys that your kids love.



Gratitude changes your focus from what you feel your life is lacking to what you already have. Take some minutes each day to reflect on the amazing people in your life and the things you have that are grateful for. This will also help you focus on the positives in your life and find joy in them.

It is important that on difficult times, we keep calm, pay attention and take care of our physical and mental health, learn to adapt and be focused on the good things around us.

Inspire Now Journal - Productivity Planner

If you would like a resource to support you in keeping organised and focused on your well-being, you can download our FREE Preview Inspire Now Journal here.

1 comment

  • Margherita

    Thank you very much for this! I just started my journey using the journal, one week ago. I still need to work on it, but I am sure I will get there. Please don’t give up on writing the blog now and then. Bests

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